The Love of Spiritual Climates - Karyo Hliso
Yusuf Begtas:

The Love of Spiritual Climates

Malfono Yusuf Beğtaş
The Love of Spiritual Climates

Love is not what we speak of. Love is what we do.

To love is to be on a path that leads to Beauty. To love is to walk that path. To love is to act responsibly on that path.

To love is to prefer giving rather than receiving. To love is to see the person within the person.

To love is to see the material and focus on the essence/meaning. To love is to pry at the door of the essence/spirit. 

To love is to move away from the ego and break free from the self.

Love is like a tree that forms and develops spiritual life. The deeper the roots of this tree (planted in the earth of the spirit) extend, the taller will the tree grow. The more fruits will it bear. Because on the spiritual journey what matters is growth. What matters is bearing fruit. 

But without returning to the essence and being purified of worldly filth a person's growth cannot be finished. The sun inside the person cannot come up. The spirit cannot be enlightened. If the spirit is not enlightened, neither can the heart. Divine meanings/values cannot be reflected. 

Without this awakening in the inner world, the purpose of creation cannot be understood. The person cannot be born again into the purpose of his/her creation. In other words, the person's inner duality must merge from a state of multiplicity into a state of unity in order for this to happen. It must transform from opposition/adversity into a complementary understanding and virtue. 

The awareness one gains through this inner awakening leads to the peace of spiritual life. The meaning of peace takes root. 

Spiritual seasons are a very good cycle. 

With these thoughts, I wish the Muslim World and my fellow citizens of Mardin a peaceful holiday. Happy Ramadan to all from the bottom of my heart.

Best regards,

Malfono Yusuf Beğtaş

President of the Syriac Association of Language, Culture and Literature

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